Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to Work I Go...

Well, I have to be at work in exactly one hour and fifty minutes. So, while I am drinking an industrial-sized Dunkin Donuts, and trying to wake up, a brief post.

Got to work on the Southwestern socks last night. I finished the heel flap that I had already finished once (see last post), and turned the heel. I did all this while watching Big Love and the Sopranos on HBO. I wasn't sure about Big Love the first time I watched it. I watched the first episode a second time, and I was hooked. I can't wait to see what happens next week. And, as for the Sopranos, well what can I say? i didn't watch the first season on HBO. My son got it for me as a Christmas present, and I devoured it. I think I watched the entire first season in one day. Haven't missed any since. I think one of my favorite episodes was the one when Chris and Paulie Walnuts got stuck in the ersatz Jersey Pine Barrens.

Oh, wait. I was talking about socks, wasn't I? Yeah, turned the heel on the Opal Southwest, and am now headed down the home stretch toward the toe. I work tonight, so there will be no knitting at least until tomorrow evening.

I started reading The Hours last night, too. It is so weird to be able to read something I enjoy. I'm so used to studying that I've forgotten how nice it is to be able to enjoy a book. This is not to say that I don't have a ton of other reading to do, I do. I am still slogging though the orientation matierals for my hospital unit. I will be done with that soon, just in time to be oriented to another aspect of my unit. I love my job, so this reading isn't as bad as some of the study materials I've had in the last three years (chemistry, anyone?).

Did another couple of rows on the Trekking sock. I am forcing myself to finish up the second sock for several other would-be pairs before I really get going on this sock. I'm tired of seeing one lonesome sock sitting around waiting for its mate.


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