Oh, What a Beautiful Morning...
So, where did the rain go? Not that I'm complaining, just wondering. I could swear the weather forecast said rain. And that was ok, because I had a lot of errands to run today, so I knew I couldn't work in the yard. Doctor's appointment, yet another appointment with the vet with yet another cat, food shopping, pay the cable bill, etc. All sorts of fun stuff. Still have to run the errands, everything is late today because I was at the doctor's next-to-forever, just for a BP check, and taking an unhappy cat to the vet is always time consuming. And, if I go to the grocery store now, I'll spend 30 minutes crawling thru rush hour traffic. With gas currently at 2.69/gallon (that's what I paid in a not-to-be-named University town two days ago), I don't feel like wasting it.
I'm writing this post early today, because I Am Getting Off My Duff. That's right, folks, I am getting my behind Out Of The House For A Walk. I need to start exercising. I knew that for a while, but while at the doc's today, I found out I had gained back the six pounds I lost. And one of my friends emailed that she lost 25+ pounds since we finished college a few months ago. I'm glad she emailed me today, because she saved me from a trip to Wendy's. What was I thinking of? A baked potato with cheddar cheese and bacon, that's what. Heh. So, I came to my senses and I had a banana and some low-fat milk for my lunch-on-the-run today. And now, I'm going to be taking my cd player out for a walk.
Maybe while I'm on this walk, I will decide what to do with my Tatania. I am so unhappy with the way the ribbing looks on this sweater. Love the color, love the yarn, love the pattern. The gauge is dead-on; only problem is the ribbing. I've never had this problem with ribbing before, and it is frustrating me to no end. And, since this sweater is all ribbing, this is a very big problem. I think before I return the yarn to the store, I will try knitting from the other end of the ball. Someone suggested that to me - I have no idea if it'll make a difference or not, but I'm willing to try anything at this point.
I had really hoped to have a digital camera at this point, so I could try getting photos on here. I'm feeling really adventurous at this point, computer-wise. I know, anyone reading this is probably shaking their head in amazement, but my kids are dragging me into the 21st century, a few feet at a time, at long last. A few unexpected expenses (read: several trips to the vet. Oh, yeah, and the stash enhancement expedition on ebay) have left me with a deflated Mad Money budget.
Speaking of stash enhancement, I should have another package winging its way to me, this time from the lovely Jannette in England. I love her yarn store. I love her speedy service. I get her stuff from England sooner than I get stuff from Oregon. She says Royal Mail is very reliable. She ain't kidding. I have some beautiful cotton-blend yarn, including Calmer in Slosh for Audrey. Jeeze, i really am behind the times, aren't I? Wasn't everyone else knitting this a couple of years ago? Wasn't there a knitalong? That's what happens when you go to school. No life. I've been drooling over this pattern for quite a while, and now I have a chance to do it. I hope I don't have the Ribbing Problem with this pattern. If I do, I think I may have to look into another way of knitting ribbing. Or not knitting ribbing at all.
The outdoors is calling.
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