Saturday, March 10, 2007

I Will Remember To Change My Clocks, I Will Remember To Change My Clocks....

or, at least, I hope I will. I always spend the day reminding myself to change the clocks, and then, when I go to bed I forget. This made for an interesting day when I was in clinicals. I was supposed to be there at 8 am on Sunday mornings, and got up as usual at 7 am, grabbed breakfast, showed, changed, and got out the door, and to the hospital by 7:55. Not bad, except that everything was an hour later, and I was late, too, although I DID remember it before my alarm went off in the morning,which meant that I got up at what was now 7:30 and I ran around like a nut and managed to get there by 8:20. Ooops. I wasn't the only person who was late. There were three other people who skulked in after me. Heh. And, tonight I'm on call, which means, I guess, that I'm on call for only 11 hours and not 12.

I worked four nights this week, including last night, and the night before. Last night was absolutely crazy, and it didn't settle down until about 1:30 am. I think I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow this morning. I intended to get up and do a few errands, but that didn't work out. I'm kind of sorry I didn't get up earlier, because it looked like it was a beautiful day, and I missed most of it. I do have a lovely Saturday Sky picture, taken before sunset this evening. We've had typical March weather for these parts, with nice warm days coming after a surprise snowfall earlier in the week. I still have snow in the shady parts of my yard, and most of the parking lots around here have several large, cement-type hills of compacted snow and ice, which will be there for a while.

Still working on the gray afghan. I've got ten squares done, and am 2/3 of the way through an eleventh. I also found 77 partially finished quilt blocks, called "birds in the air" It's a kind of neat scrappy quilt, and I need a fabric to finish off the other half of the blocks. I have them laid out here on a white fabric with a pale blue print, and I kind of like the effect. I think I'm going to have to hit Joann Fabrics tomorrow, and see if I can find anything I like. I'm still debating on how to finish the Log Cabin quilt. Last night, I was thinking of putting in a double batt and then tying it to make more of a comforter than a quilt. This is along the lines of what I was thinking in the first place, but I haven't made a final decision yet.

This is Spring Break, and my son is home from college. I'm happy to see him, but I don't know how much I will actually see of him. He's working tonight, and is going to Boston for a few days, and I have to work, so this may be interesting. Still, it's good to know he's here, and just hear him moving around in his room upstairs. I like having a full house. After 30 years of being a parent to five boys, I'm still not ready for the empty nest thing.


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