Monday, January 21, 2008


And, as an afterthought, Brr! It's really cold in this house. I had the head set at 62 degrees, and it feels really cold in here. Of course, it's freezing outside, too. When I left work at 7:30 this morning, it was bitter - temp around zero, with wind chill. I finally broke down and wore a hat and gloves to work last night!

I should still be asleep. My alarm was set for 4 pm, but my son woke me up to say good bye. On his way back to school. First day of the semester is tomorrow. He had to drive out to the shore first to pick up his job stuff. He's doing the same job that he had last summer.

Not much knitting last night. I managed to knit two more rows on the next peerie pattern before heading out to work. I love working on Sunday night - no traffic going in, and since this was MLK Day, no traffic to speak of on the way home this morning. I guess a lot of places are closed today, although all my sons worked today, except the one who works for the state university - day off for him. I work tonight, so probably not too much knitting again tonight.

Lots of business at the birdfeeders this winter. A large flock of goldfinches enjoying some nyjer seed.


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