Thursday, January 17, 2008

Yes, I Really Am Knitting

And to prove it, here's a shot of what I did last night. I finished the last two rows of my second Philosopher's Wool sleeve, and started the body. Unfortunately, I am ripping the two color rows out, back to the black. I forgot that the first color takes two rounds, and I only knitted one before going on to the next color. Oops!! Each of these rows has 177 stitches, so that's a bit of frogging. That's what I get for knitting so late.

My little weather pixie on the right hand side of this page is not going to know what to do later today. Snow, sleet, rain, ice - it's all predicted. I guess the weatherman decided to cover all bases this time around.

I just ordered some books along with the Wintergarden Sweater pattern I ordered a few days ago. Everything showed up yesterday. Really quick shipping! I wasn't expecting them for a few more days. The book on the top, Dale Jubilee patterns, goes for astronomical amounts on ebay. I bid on this a few months ago, and then dropped out as the bidding headed up the ladder. The last time I looked, it was $54.00. I don't know what the final bid was, but I guess the lesson is, if you're going to bid on these Dale books, check around first, so you don't wind up paying a fortune for something that's still available in stores, or on line. I paid ELEVEN dollars for my copy of this pattern book. Much better than $54.00!! The other two books were ten and eleven dollars, so the whole order was very reasonable.


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