Sunday, February 24, 2008


Well, this is my new reading material for the next few weeks. I have to take this course and pass it in March. This will be taking up a fair amount of time; there's a lot to cover, and understand, in this book. Just reading the pre-test made me feel faint. It just goes to show what I don't know. I don't usually deal with very ill infants in my job; 99% of the time, I'm dealing with reasonably healthy newborns. I am looking forward to taking this course; it's another step up for me.

Nice blue sky today, and slightly warmer temperatures made for some melting. Not a lot; we still have a lot of snow. My daffodils are coming up, a sure sign that spring is on the way. And for all I know, my crocus are blooming under the snow. I think my hellebore is still frozen to the ground.
Melting icicles over my garage.


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